The judges cannot force her to commit herself to a lie, and her martyrdom severely damages their legitimacy and favor amongst the townspeople. Why is hypocrisy so common in repressive communities like Salem? He is known for making the right decisions and never going against them. Compare and contrast three authority figures in this drama: Hale, Danforth, and Parris. In this case, you're asked to discuss the concept of a tragic character, explaining who fits that mold in The Crucible and why. Rational explanations are ground up by the drama of the rumor mill, and people see only what they want to see (whatever keeps them in the good graces of society andmakes them feel the best about themselves) in situations that don't appear to have easy explanations. Danforth, who has the most authority, is also the most sold on her act, and it only takes a few screams to persuade him that hes in the presence of witchcraft. As mentioned in the overview, religion holds significant power over the people of Salem. Combining this notion with the one he declared earlier displays the hypocritical nature of Danforth when put in this hysterical. 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In each paragraph these traits will be further explained . Salem is under attack from the hysteria that is encouraged by the same people who seek to keep imaginary supernatural demons at bay. He chooses to die instead of providing a false confession because he doesnt think life will be worth living after he is so disgraced. Mary Warrens sense of self-importance has increased as a result of the perceived value of her participation in court. Hypocrisy: A Human Flaw Okay, let's take a moment to review. I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (pg. There are many characters in the Crucible who are guilty of taking innocent lives, but there are three major characters who, without a doubt, are the most at blame. Do you not know that God damns all liars? (Miller 101). The main pillars of traditional power are represented by the law and the church. This new power is exciting and very dangerous because. is hypocrisy a natural human flaw the crucible 16 is hypocrisy a natural human flaw the crucible. Tituba is forced to accept her role as a pawn for those with greater authority and a stepping stone for Abigails ascent to power. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play about the Salem witch trials. In the Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play that is based of 1962 Salem Massachusetts, the site of one of the worst witch-hunts in history. 22). When she is brought in for questioning and claims to see Marys familiar spirit, she says Envy is a deadly sin, Mary.Abigail herself has acted out of envy for the entire play. A theme is a central topic that is addressed by a work of literature. These three characters can be the most to blame for the cause of the spread and start of hysteria in Salem during the Witch Trials. 12) The first act of The Crucibleclearly establishes the fact that a bad reputation can damage a persons position in this society severely and irreparably. In another section, Miller explains the teachings of the Puritans and how it related to the mess that the trials became: ''These people had no ritual for the washing away of sins. They use children's stories as evidence though not respecting them otherwise. Abigail, in particular, has quickly risen from a nobody to one of the most influential people in Salem. He is weak and vulnerable after Abigail's theft of his life's savings, and hes even facing death threats from the townspeople as a result of John and Rebecca's imminent executions. Miller portrays Danforths characterization as stubborn, highly religious, and arrogant in order to to provide a clearer understanding. They so fear the devilish consequences of challenging the accusers that theyre willing to take them at their word and ignore any defenses the accused have to offer. Where before she was just an orphaned teenager, now, in the midst of the trials, she becomes the main witness to the inner workings of a Satanic plot. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Giles got arrested for contempt. No one thinks a teenage orphan girl is capable of such extensive deception (or delusion), so she is consistently trusted. These attributes are seen in both character, John Proctor from Arthur Millers play, The Crucible, set in Salem in the early seventeenth century and in Atticus Finch from Harper Lees novel, To Kill a Mockingbird set in New York in 1950. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Proctor's wife, Elizabeth, is accused of being a witch and Proctor has to make a moral decision . Will you confess yourself with him? (pg. In reality. How is Millers underlying message revealed in one of these themes and through the character?". The prisoners have lost all faith in earthly authority figures and look towards the judgment of God. Giles Cory was expelled from court because he would not list people who signed the document about Putnam wanting to take land. Arthur Millers portrayal of a town in the midst of a downfall The Crucible, tells the story of how mob mentality and hysteria can significantly influence not only individuals but the whole town. 123). How is the arrest of Rebecca Nurse a sign that the hysteria in Salem has gotten out of control? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? The town slips further and further into chaos and paranoia until it reaches a point of total devastation. This vicious cycle continues to claim the lives of more and more people as the play progresses. In Act 1 he jumped on board with the hysteria to preserve his power, but he ended up losing what little authority he had in the first place (and, according to Miller's afterward, was voted out of office soon after the end of the play). Danforths image is extremely valuable to him, and he refuses to allow Parris concerns to disrupt his belief in the validity of his decisions. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 copyright 2003-2023 John Proctor surrenders his agency at the end of Act 3 in despair at the determination of the court to pursue the accusations of witchcraft and ignore all evidence of their falsehood. As much as I loved Bernie Sanders, he made millions of dollars while preaching for democratic. (pg. This quotation shows the overall theme that hypocrisy is bred from the fear and condemnation of a society. "She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris's house tonight, and without word nor warnin' she falls to the floor. He is weak and vulnerable after Abigail's theft of his life's savings, and hes even facing death threats from the townspeople as a result of John and Rebecca's imminent executions. This includes not only accusatory lies about the involvement of others in witchcraft but also the lies that people consistently tell about their own virtuousness and purity in such a repressive society. When the petition testifying to the good character of the accused women is presented, the reaction from Danforth, Hathorne, and Parris is to arrest the people who signed it rather than considering that this might indicate that the women are innocent. The town slips further and further into chaos and paranoia until it reaches a point of total devastation. If you hope to write an awesome essay onThe Crucible, you should have extensive knowledge of its themes. ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? What ACT target score should you be aiming for? Human flaws such as lust for power, greed and jealousy explain the errors many tragic figures from books make, from Mr Kurtz to Lord Voldemort. . She says, "My name is good in the village! This lie essentially condemns both of them. He believes there is a group of people in town determined to remove him from this position, and he will say and do whatever it takes to retain control. Great, character-driven stories often have deeply flawed characters at their heart. The accused people of Salem are all innocent and have nothing to do with neither witchcraft nor convening with the devil. Act 4 is Danforths turn to shine in the irony department. Though Rebecca Nurse's involvement has already been corroborated by other confessors, Danforth demands to hear it from John to confirm that John is fully committed to renouncing his supposed ties to Satan. Here again, he is driving the point home that the villagers were greedy and seeking land, so they put some of the pillars of the community to death for their own gain. The attitudes towards women in the 1950s, when the play was written, are evident in the roles they're given. The play is about human weakness, hypocrisy, and vindictiveness. Always include specific details, including direct quotes, to support your argument about how the theme is expressed in the play. John Proctor sabotages his own reputation in Act 3 after realizing it's the only way he can discredit Abigail. 133). . The town, already primed with rumors of black magic, is quickly willing to accept that the first few women who are accused are involved in black magic because theyre beggars and slaves. 130). There are two examples of Ad hominem from The Crucible in Act 2 and Act 3. Mary is a hypocrite, because she's supposed to be helping the church rid of conjurers of the devil but instead she is deceitful. Miller explains this further: ''long-held hatreds of neighbors could now be openly expressed, and vengeance taken, despite the Bible's charitable injunctions.'' For example, Bridget Bishop dressed in red, a color that was abhorrent in the Puritan eyes. 118). The madness begins in earnest with Abigails claim that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring spirits in the woods. The each profess to want truth and to desire to punish actual wrongdoers. Abigail insists that she did nothing to deserve it and tries to put all the blame on Elizabeth Proctor. Danforth wont listen to him for this reason. succeed. Explore examples of hypocrisy in the play, including the hypocrisy in land disputes, sin, and the characters of Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale, and the children. The whole purpose of a trial is to hear both sides of the story before a verdict is reached. No one thinks a teenage orphan girl is capable of such extensive deception (or delusion), so she is consistently trusted. In this act, she yells Dont lie! at Tituba immediately before she tells some of the most damning lies of the play accusing Tituba of witchcraft (She comes to me while I sleep; shes always making me dream corruptions! pg. The Crucible presents a view of women that essentially reduces them to caricatures of human beings that are defined by their roles as mothers, wives, and servants to men. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, we have Rebecca Nurse. Anns extreme conclusions are gradually accepted because rational people are too afraid to challenge the consensus and risk bringing accusations upon themselves. One such example would be the scene in which Proctor and Parris are discussing Parris style of sermon, when Parris randomly exclaims that he is not being provided with as much wood as his contract spells out, as well as arguing for an extra six pounds per year. Parris is extremely dismayed by this revelation because of the damage it will do to his reputation. In this act, we learn more details about the accused that paint a clearer picture of the influence of reputation and social standing on the patterns of accusations. Demosthenes made fun of Aeschines, a famous Greek politician who was also an actor, basically . A man of conscience is one who is aware of his moral and ethical beliefs and judgments and one who will prefer right over wrong. In Act 3, Hale continues to make ironic statements about the existence of concrete proof for the accusations of witchcraft. In saying this he admits that a person can only avoid a hanging by confessing to witchcraft even if their statement contains no truth. What makes Danforth so unwilling to consider that the girls could be pretending? In Act 2, the value of reputation in Salem starts to butt heads with the power of hysteria and fear to sway peoples opinions (and vengeance to dictate their actions). 42). "(3-84), since Danforth is in power for being the judge he thinks that everyone else is ignorant and not being equal as him. Abigail insists that she did nothing to deserve it and tries to put all the blame on Elizabeth Proctor. The main point that the story revolves around is that people would rather lie and blame someone else instead of confessing and accepting the punishment. Hales involvement is taken to mean that there must be a supernatural element to Bettys illness. Rebecca Nurse, a woman whose character was previously thought to be unimpeachable, is accused and arrested. Because, the people of Salem will find out about the affair, this would weaken his reputation. Shes not a traditionally accepted target like the others (except in her susceptibility as a woman to the misogyny that runs rampant in the play). Arthur Miller portrays the protagonist, Proctor, as the tragic hero of his play The Crucible. The Devil is really a superstition hiding the townspeople, who are ''precise'' in their accusations because they want land from others. Here are a few questions about hysteria to consider now that you've read a summary of how this theme was expressed throughout the plot of the play: Even though there is significant reason to believe Abigail is lying about Elizabeth's familiar spirit stabbing her, the frenzied investigators ignore testimony that challenges their chosen witchy narrative. He shows the hypocrisy of the Puritans by showing their belief system and how they have not acted in accordance with those beliefs. Like a struck beast, he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. In The Crucible many examples of hypocrisy are shown. This act also sees the irony of Hale discussing the powers of the dark that are attacking Salem (pg. The two characters that could have ended the mass hysteria are Abigail Williams and Deputy Governor Danforth. Hypocrisy is "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform". In the play there was a character by the name of John Proctor; Proctor was a family man that made a huge mistake. How is Parris fate in act 4 ironic when considering his role in the events of the play? Themes tell us what the purpose of the work is. This act also sees the irony of Hale discussing the powers of the dark that are attacking Salem (pg. makes them feel the best about themselves. She is cast as a villain. Why do certain characters seem to be blind to the irony of their actions (Abigail, Danforth)? Reverend Parris, the paranoid widower and heaven-ordained minister of the town of Salem, was, simply put, a hypocrite. Abigails presence is always rife with irony in. While it does provide an entertaining experience at face value, the true literary genius behind the work is Miller's . While touting his holy credentials, he claims that he dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of my conscience may doubt it (pg. 73), meaning the girls are testing out the extent of the chaos they can create with their newfound power. This hysteria-based evidence of witchcraft includes the discovery of the poppet in the Proctor household with a needle in it. Her jealousy of Elizabeth Proctors position as Johns wife has led her to attempted murder, first by the charm in the woods and now by accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft. She puts on a fake front to get what she wants, ultimately creating a persona thats even worse than that of the hypocrites she criticizes. The Salem villagers exhibit failings, including greed, vengeance, and fear, which eventually lead to the downfall of their town. No one even considers Mary's statement about sticking the needle in herself. She continues to act under the assumption that his reputation is of the utmost importance to him, and she does not reveal the affair. 61). The irony is that, in the face of Johns rejection, Abigail turns around and creates her own lies soon after that give her increased control over the society she resents. Choose a single character and discuss how this person embodies one of the themes. This means that much of the population that remains is comprised of the power-hungry, the selfish, and the cowardly. He says, I would to God it were not so, Excellency, but these people have great weight yet in the town (pg. The desire to preserve and gain power pervadesThe Crucible as the witch trials lead to dramatic changes in which characters hold the greatest control over the course of events. Is there any character besides John Proctor that represents the voice of common sense amidst the madness? By Act 4, many of the power structures that were firmly in place earlier in the play have disintegrated. Two characters who demonstrate how mob mentality can lead to the demise of Salem are Abigail and Mary Warren. Proctors good reputation is almost a burden for him at this point because he knows that he doesnt deserve it. In Act 3, Hale continues to make ironic statements about the existence of concrete proof for the accusations of witchcraft. Concern for reputation is a theme that looms large over most of the events in. He insists,I am not empowered to trade your life for a lie (pg. Historical Context. He. This confess or die mindset is one of the central ironies of the play. The Devil is precise.'' This hysteria-based evidence of witchcraft includes the discovery of the poppet in the Proctor household with a needle in it. Ironically, he is the first to demand a confession from Tituba based on Abigail's dramatic but false testimony. 129). The town, already primed with rumors of black magic, is quickly willing to accept that the first few women who are accused are involved in black magic because theyre beggars and slaves. What are some of the factors that feed the panic and suspicion in Salem, and why are. Abigails many deceptions are sometimes laughably ironic as she chastises others for lying even as she is spinning falsehoods. He claims that they must not jump to conclusions based on superstition in their investigation of Bettys affliction. This makes him particularly averse to accepting that he's been fooled by a teenage girl. These types of statements made by Hale earlier in the play become even more ironic in Act 4 when he realizes he made a horrible mistake by trusting the evidence that was presented to him. These are themes that could be considered subsets of the topics detailed in the previous sections, but there's also room to discuss them as topics in their own right. Hypocrisy, actually, didn't have a bad meaning until hypocrisy met politics in the 4th century B.C. Before I get into the nitty-gritty of howThe Cruciblethemes are expressed, let's do a quick overview of what themes are and why they matter. The ruthlessness with which the suspected witches are treated is aimed at purifying Salem, but it achieves the opposite outcome. Johns concern for his reputation is strong throughout the play, and his hesitation to reveal Abigails true nature is a product of his own fears of being labeled an adulterer. hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? She was seen as a grandmother to the village. Every person has some kind of flaw; no one is completely perfect. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. The crucible, based during the Salem, Massachusetts witch trials of 1692. 71). In her conversation with John, Abigail claims that he helped her realize all the lies she was told by two-faced people in Salem who only publicly adhere to the conventions of respectable society (pg. Though hysteria overpowered the reputations of the accused in the past two acts, in act 4 the sticking power of their original reputations becomes apparent. hypocrisy is a flaw in human character that can be avoided if chosen to be. 67). First off, what is irony? Thomas Putnam who has grudges against the people of Salem, and Abigail is a shameless liar who leads the accusations against the people of Salem. Abigails power skyrockets as the hysteria grows more severe. Ann Putnam jumps at any opportunity to blame supernatural forces for the deaths of her children. Danforth explains that witchcraft is an invisible crime and that only the victims are reliable. . Furthermore, this is destructive influence because by telling Elizabeth to tell Proctor to lie, this adds upon his sins. Abigails power skyrockets as the hysteria grows more severe. Abigail also shows concern for her reputation. His guilt leads to great tension in interactions with Elizabeth because he projects his feelings onto her, accusing her of being judgmental and dwelling on his mistakes. He refers to Johns refusal to confess as a calamity, looking past his own involvement in the larger calamity of the conviction that led John to this point. The idea that a witch's familiar spirit is capable of stabbing people is too scary for the superstitious and now hysterical people of Salem to give Elizabeth the benefit of the doubt. What Is The Hypocrisy In The Crucible. What are their strengths and personal flaws? In The Crucible, they all fear witchcraft, because there is a rumor going around. Arthur Miller pokes fun at this in his commentary in the play and explains his intentions to the audience. Later in Act 4, Danforth becomes angry at the implication that Johns confession may not be the truth. The evidence used in the Salem Witch Trials further demonstrates the hypocrisy in the Puritan times. Goody Good, an old beggar woman, is one of the first to be named a witch. So, she decides to manipulate the situation by saying that the Devil has come to her and she has resisted his commands to kill Mr. Parris. The girls are essentially given permission by authority figures to continue their act because they are made to feel special and important for their participation. This lie essentially condemns both of them. In Act 3, Abigails power in the courthouse is on display. In today's world hypocrisy is demonstrated by everyday citizens and even political leaders. The Crucible is set during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. I will not have it said my name is soiled! In the play The Crucible, Arthur Miller repeatedly portrays that duplicity and deceit are a natural part of human lives. 6). He refers to Johns refusal to confess as a calamity, looking past his own involvement in the larger calamity of the conviction that led John to this point. Throughout "The Crucible", Abigail Williams commits the largest act of hypocrisy. Even with prompts that ask you to discuss a specific character or plot point, you can find ways to connect your answer to major themes. His only goal is to get on the good side of the community as a whole, even in the midst of this bout of collective hysteria. Create your account, 7 chapters | Later in Act 4, Danforth becomes angry at the implication that Johns confession may not be the truth. It is another trait we inherited from them, and it has helped to discipline us as well as to breed hypocrisy among us.'' Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Score, list of every single character in the play, details on the history and thematic parallels behind this connection. At the end this act, John Proctor delivers a short monologue anticipating the imminent loss of the disguises of propriety worn by himself and other members of the Salem community. John Proctor sabotages his own reputation in Act 3 after realizing it's the only way he can discredit Abigail. The power of collective hysteria ultimately becomes insurmountable because it grows larger than the influence of the few rational voices in the community. Parris initially insists that there are no unnatural causes for Bettys illness because he fears that he will lose favor with the townspeople if witchcraft is discovered under his roof. You can also read my full summary of The Crucible here for a review of exactly what happens in the plot in each act. Abigails low status and perceived innocence under normal circumstances allow her to claim even greater power in her current situation. 130). While I speak Gods law, I will not crack its voice with whimpering (pg. In a way,John welcomes the loss of his reputation because he feels so guilty about the disconnect between howhe is perceived by others and the sins he has committed. He is appalled by Elizabeths lack of emotion when he asks her to help the court get a confession out of her husband (pg. The narrator tells the audience that there is very little good to be said of him (Miller 1100), yet as a minister the people of the town look to him to be a pious religious leader. This new power is exciting and very dangerous because it encourages the girls to make additional accusations in order to preserve their value in the eyes of the court.
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